1. Add required items to cart by clicking on "Add to Cart".
2. Click on Cart Button and review your selection and click on "Checkout".
3. Enter Customer Details On the next page and select the payment method
-For Net baniking, Card or UPI Select CcAvenue or Paytm option
-For Cash transfer, DD, Cheque or International Order (if the customer doesn't have indian card) select bank details option.
4. Click On "Continue to Payment" and complete the process on selected payment option.
5. Order Confirmation will be shortly received.
1. Place the order by selecting "Bank Details" in payment option. Unfortunately at the moment international/non-indian customers cannot make the payment on website.
2. We will shortly send the order details to the cutomer on the given e-mail alongwith payment details.
3. We will send Paypal invoice with complete order detail to the customer through which payment can be made.
Important Notice: Upcoming Website Update
"Important: Complete your purchase now! A new website update is coming tomorrow, and your cart items may not be saved. Rest assured, all pending orders will be processed as usual."